Maree Tompkinson Clinic July 25 and 26

This gallery contains 2 photos.

SSD / Eque-Fitt Australia will be attending both days of the Maree Tompkinson clinic held at Australian Equine Institute at Hunter Valley with three horses, Southern Gem, Southern WorldStern and Rivendell Whispering 🙂

Horse training spot currently available!

If you have been considering training for a while, why not do so now. We currently have available one place for horse training. (please remember we are always available for horse/rider combo, rider training on our school horse or equine/canine acupuncture sessions)
Training is gentle but assertive and biomechanically correct coming from the angle of the horse, knowledgeable and professional in a safe, stress free environment.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements

Fb: SouthernStarsDressage

Ph: Training: 0428 973543 or Acupuncture: 0409 338518


EqueFitt Australia Clinic – Raymond Terrace, Newcastle, NSW


For anyone interested in working on ridden posture and improving their “body to horse” communication there are two spots still available in the clinic being held at the Raymond Terrace RDA on Saturday March 28.

If a rider is tight or uneven through their body they can influence their horse to move or act differently without realising.

Your horse may be displaying such things as:

– Holding unnecessary tension through his body
– Moving unevenly in one direction
– Finding bend to one direction difficult
– Difficult to slow down
– Difficult to move forward
– Inconsistent into the contact
– Finding canter transitions difficult
– Not striding correctly in walk, trot and canter
– Carrying his hindquarters to one side

There will also be a qualified equine acupuncture therapist who works in with Tanase at the RDA on the day of the clinic for anyone who would like an assessment or treatment done on their horse.

Please contact:
Tanase at or
Deb at

Lessons are $65 and will run for 50 minutes.

Acupuncture sessions are $60.00

Need to improve your fitness and rider skills?

“It still amazes me how the simplest of postural faults (usually not detected by the rider or instructor) can effect everything! Including the horses muscle development, horses bone structure, rider’s effectiveness and quality of training.”

Tanase riding Di Burns, Mystic Recherche (S: Rotspon) at Sydney International Equestrian Centre

Do you wish to improve your riding strength and fitness, improve your dressage training and establish good basics regardless of your riding ability? Or you may simply wish to improve your fitness?

What Tanase offers:

  • Dressage lessons focusing on horse and rider training
  • Biomechanics riding lessons focusing on riders position and effectiveness of  their body (may include postural assessments on and off the horse)
  • Riding specific fitness training (conducted on and/or off your horse)

Instruction can be undertaken at the SSD facility, located 30 mins from Heath and Rozzie Ryan’s Equestrian Centre, where there is a well constructed round yard and an Olympic size dressage arena.  Tanase is willing to travel for clinic situations. If you wish to arrange, or attend, a clinic please:


or call Tanase on 0428 973543